European projects
Vita project
VITA stands for ‘Virtual Interior Textile Academy’. This is an internet based academy where everyone can learn about different facets of carpet. There are learning modules about for instance the production, sales and maintenance of carpet, but also a learning module on how to deal with complaints. The learning modules can be bought by interior decorators, architects, cleaners, etc.
These learning modules can be completed independently, without the help of a teacher. By using animations, pictures, movies, exercises and text, the knowledge is effectively taught.
As of January 2006 the VITA-ACADEMY is up and running, and James is chairman. VITA-ACADEMY will promote the learning modules, that are available in various languages (Dutch, English, German and French), within the European industry.
The knowledge used in the learning modules is compiled by multiple important companies and institutes from all over Europe.
This internet based academy was realized through a project financed by the European government. The learning modules are accessible to everyone from January 2006. You can sign up through the above mentioned website. The learning modules are accessible to everyone from January 2006.